Services & Bible Studies
Main Service
Sundays at 10:00am
This service kicks-off with praise and worship. Special presentations such as dance, video, and music selections are also held at this time. We wrap up our main service with a message that speaks to the spirit of new believers, as well as challenges even the most seasoned believer.
Children's Church click here for more information
Sundays at 10:30am & Wednesdays at 7:00pm
Ages 1 year to 6th grade
The very young learn about God through our Baby Bible program. Older children learn God's Word through our King's Kids program. Partnering with parents who attend Christ Our King Church, our Children’s Church ministry allows parents to focus on the word being shared while their children are also learning about the Bible on Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings.
Bible Study
Wednesdays at 6:30pm
2nd Shift at 11:00am
Wednesday evenings are an exciting time at Christ Our King Church with a service packed with truth and challenging not only the mind but the heart as well. Wednesday nights begin with a short time of praise and worship, and what follows is a message delivered that usually encourages audience participation. Bible Study is a safe place to learn and grow.