"Indescribable" 5-Week Devotional​ and "How Great is Our God" 5-Week Devotional Plans
The heavens are telling the glory of God, and their expanse declares theworks of His hands. Louie Giglio's DVD "Indescribable" takes you on an image-rich journey through the cosmos, allowing us to peer into God's universe to discover the amazing magnitude of His greatness and grace.
How Great is our God - Week 5
And here's the study guide:
For the younger set: Joseph part 2
And here's the study guide:
How Great is our God - Week 4
And here's the study guide:
For the younger set: Joseph
And here's the study guide:
How Great is our God - Week 3
And here's the study guide:
For the younger set: Jacob and Esau
And here's the study guide:
How Great is our God - Week 2
And here is the study guide:
Here is the story of Abraham for the younger set:
And here is the study guide for that:
How Great is our God - Week 1
And here's the study guide:
For the younger children here's God's Story about Noah.
And the study guide:
Indescribable - Week 5
See this weeks study guide:
For those of you with younger children here's God's Story for week 5.
Here is the study guide for that:
Indescribable - Week 4
See this weeks study guide:
For those of you with younger children, here's God's Story for week 4.
It's about Easter.
Please use this study guide:
Indescribable - Week 3
See this weeks study guide:
For those of you with younger children, here's God's Story for week 3.
It's about Palm Sunday.
Please see this study guide for good topics to talk about:
Indescribable - Week 2
Note: This week's video ends abruptly, You may want to watch just a
few minutes of Week Three's video to discover what the pale blue dot is.
Here's the study guide for week 2:
For those of you with younger children, you may prefer to access
this short video from Crossroads Kids Club.
And here's the Study Guide for that:
Indescribable - Week 1
And here's the Indescribable study guide:
For those of you with young children, you may prefer to access
this short video from Crossroads Kids Club.
And here's that Study Guide:
For those of you that would like to watch the whole video: